Is it possible to read someone's mind?

yan king yin (at dot) y.k.y.lycos.com at hgmp.mrc.ac.uk
Tue May 22 05:47:37 EST 2001

"John Leonard" <johnrleonard at excite.com>:
> Why can't you just wire someones brain up and monitor the signals they
> produce and try to figure them out? Ultimately, no will figure out anything
> about this subject w/o direct, and extensive,  observation.

Thats a good point,  but Im not sure who is willing to have his brain wired
up, or whether this will be approved by the law.  Also there will be the
usual problems associated with implants.

Also, you need a theory of what is going on in the brain to interprete the

The axons or dentrites of a neuron is around 5-10um in diameter.  The optic
nerve alone contains about 1M of these axons each.  So, some nanotechnology
must be employed in order to accurately address all of them.  BTW, I am
planning to do some research on this,  but im looking for a lab / starting

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