"Richard Norman" <rsnorman at mediaone.net> skrev i melding
news:SL%N6.85246$yd.665525 at typhoon.mw.mediaone.net...
> "Brian" <zhil at online.no> wrote in message
> news:D1RN6.1420$P7.35205 at news1.oke.nextra.no...> >
> > "maxwell" <mmmaxwell at hotmail.com> skrev i melding
> > news:9e74ov$1cdh7$1 at ID-81739.news.dfncis.de...> > Well, do tell. Sorry I got in this far.
> >
> > -maxwell
> >
> > It was just a post, not the end of the world.......
> > Mvh
> > Brian
> >
> Wrong -- it was NOT just a post.
> It started out as a bigoted, racist post and then
> concluded with a bunch of gibberish nonsense.
> And when someone took the time to criticize specific
> aspects (until he finally got fed up) then you blow it off.
That I thought (loud) how the developement of the brain will happen in the
future ????????
Get down from the ivory (or ebony) tower..........