Differences between left and right amygdala....question...

Andrew T. Austin. aausti at fordNOSPAM.com
Mon May 21 05:49:05 EST 2001

I`ve posted this before, but to no avail, so i`ll try again.

Does anyone know of any functional differences between the left and right
amygdala?  ie for PTSD, is one more active than the other, ditto for phobia?

If anyone has any info to post, could they please copy it to the address
below, as my news server is not the most reliable thing in the world.

Many thanks,

Andrew Austin.

Reply address: slightlynervous at TROUSERSbtinternet.com
Remove TROUSERS to reply.

NLP, Neurology, Schizophrenia:  www.23NLPeople.com

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