Hi, my name is Constantine Mihailidis and I am a med student at the "La
Sapienza" University of Rome. I am fascinated by neuroscience and your ideas
about possible research on neuroimplants. Do you maintain something like a
newsletter to keep interested persons informed. Nevertheless, although you
may find this funny I would like to join your group (if you ever create
one...) and help by my side in any way I can...
"yan king yin" <y.k.y(at)lycos(dot)com> wrote in message
news:9defeg$10i1 at imsp212.netvigator.com...
> "Duncan Young" <dsy21 at cam.ac.uk>
> > i am interested/curious, but i would like to see a full business
> > with targets/aims/etc
>> OK, here's my (brief) proposal =)
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
>> Drive for economic growth stems from advancement in technology, as
>> Basic Research --> Applied Research --> Technology --> New Products.
>> "Technology" is intangible, but it is embodied in "people", ie
> capital.
>> In other words: you do research, you develop expertise in a field, then
> get a job in industry / make some new products / etc (make money).
>> The primary objective of "the lab" is to provide more people with research
> opportunities. They pay the lab for this, in order to acquire expertise.
> This can come in the form of new ideas, inventions, patents, knowledge,
> experience, publications, etc.
>> The lab will be trying its best to ENABLE and FACILITATE research, but it
> is up to the user to decide on what they want to do.
>> In other words it is aimed at helping the self-starter.
>> We provide them with equipment and environment, and possibly technical
> consultancy such as regarding patents, and expertise in instrumentation
> so that our equipment has the cutting edge required to make new
> discoveries.
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------
>> Sorry if this is too short... i hope you get the picture.
>> You see, im not very good at business matters and so am looking for
> some partners to help work out the details and get funding, and so on.
>> > do you have a website?
>> yeah but its mostly about my "theories" etc and nothing related to
> this (yet). http://www.angelfire.com/myband/sevenless/Neuro.htm>>>