REM Sleep And Learning

maxwell mmmaxwell at hotmail.com
Sat May 19 19:47:22 EST 2001

Karl Self <karl.self at gmx.net> wrote in message news:9e6cfa$18pd9$1 at ID-34153.news.dfncis.de...
> "maxwell" <mmmaxwell at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Not necessarily.
> You must specify the interrupions in respect to sleep stage,
> and also the sleep stages in the short-interval sleep
> and also in respect to task type
> (whether explicit recall versus procedural operation)
> before it becomes a meaningful, albeit controversial, question.
>     If I was able to be that specific in formulating the question, then I
> would also be able to answer the question myself, 

Hey-- there's evidence of improved learning, in respect to sleep stages,
but not of the same type of tasks in respect to sleep stage, and there's
a whole lot of literature both pro and con.
By trying to get you to focus your question, the likelihood of some kind
of good answer being given is increased.

Since I can formulate the question that specifically, and still can't *definitively*
answer it, (and yes, I have worked in a sleep lab, and know the literature)
your reply is cute, but false.

Someone else can help you.


in which case I would not
> have to post it to this newsgroup.

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