REM Sleep And Learning

maxwell mmmaxwell at hotmail.com
Fri May 18 04:55:03 EST 2001

Karl Self <karl.self at gmx.net> wrote in message news:9e2g68$ncgv$1 at ID-34153.news.dfncis.de...
>     As there seems to be a connection between REM sleep and learning
> (passing information from the short to long term memory) is it true to say
> that it is more detrimental to the learning process to have interrupted but
> long sleep rather than uninterrupted but short sleep?

Not necessarily. 
You must specify the interrupions in respect to sleep stage,
and also the sleep stages in the short-interval sleep
and also in respect to task type 
(whether explicit recall versus procedural operation)
before it becomes a meaningful, albeit controversial, question.

>     Many thanks in advance for your comments.


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