Cross - Wired Eyes

George Hammond ghammond at mediaone.net
Thu May 17 20:12:25 EST 2001

Kalman Rubinson wrote:
> On Thu, 17 May 2001 06:31:13 GMT, George Hammond
> <ghammond at mediaone.net> wrote:
> >Kalman Rubinson wrote:
> >> Sorry but the proportion of crossing fibers in the fornix is very
> >> small and characterising it as an "X" (or chiasm) is improper.
> >> The fornix is basically a direct fiber pathway stretched and bent by
> >> external forces, a phenomenon easily visualize by comparing fornices
> >> across verterate species.
> >
> >[Hammond]
> >Sorry to have to point out your error.  The decussation in the Fornix is
> >documented and described in my peer reviewed published paper
> It's a question of the proportion and significance of those crossing
> fibers.  Compared to the optic chiasm  and the pyramidal decussation,
> they are few.

You still have no point.  The argument is that the decussation of
the fornix is isomorphic structurally with the decussation of the
optic chiasma.  Which apparently it is.

> Kal

George Hammond, M.S. Physics
Email:    ghammond at mediaone.net
Website:  http://people.ne.mediaone.net/ghammond/index.html

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