To Hammond.

Brian zhil at online.no
Thu May 17 20:19:50 EST 2001

Hello mr.Hammond,
I read your thumb-nail article at your webpage, and I
thought that you deserve an answer to your claim that God=Gravity.
What is this ?
Are you kidding here ???????
I thought that there is only the religious lunatics that believe in a
Maybe what you've found is what is called the _subconcious_, I've read some
of Carl.G.Jung were he mentions the conscoius and subconcious.
Your theory seems fine on paper, but nature is never plain and abvious.
On another thread (were I stepped in hot water), you explained very well how
works (with inversion etc.).
Maybe you should keep out of things, like me keeping out of things I don't
know ?
I sincerely hope that you don't think of me as a rude person.
For both of us, the mystery of self will NOT be solved by using
short-circuits (I'm into electronics).
What I suspects is that there is no god, and that self is a result of all
our neurons.
In short, we're animals, so deal with it.
PS.Do you have any suggestions; somebody mentioned 'conversations with
O'Neil's brain'
I've put it on my wish-list.


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