Cross - Wired Eyes

George Hammond ghammond at mediaone.net
Thu May 17 01:18:19 EST 2001

maxwell wrote:

>> My condolences to you for our not-long-ago loss of Hans.
> His speculations were even grander than yours, at times, but
> having now read your website content, I think you've exceeded
> the old master in the extent of your implausible speculations.
> I hope you are proud !

Yeah... I last saw Hans Eysenck at the  XXVI International
Congress of Psychology in Montreal in August 1996 where I had
been invited as a special guest speaker.  I sat next to Hans
for 2 hours on the dais chewing the fat about Psychometry and
my theory.  I think he was impressed, at least he referred
to me as "Doctor Hammond" in his invited discussion... even though
he knew I wasn't a doctor of anything (M.S.).  Boy... he was one
of the last real standup men in Psychology a real presence
if you ever met him.  Someone snapped a posed picture of us
standing outside the conference hall, I've still got it. He was
79 or 80 at the time, the year before he died.  I remember sitting
there staring at the profile of his nose which looked just like the
old Dick Tracy comic books. It came one full inch straight out of
his forehead and then took a 90-degree turn... I'm telling you... 
just like Dick Tracy.
  The next year I lost another friend, Raymond B. Cattell at 93
in Hawaii.  He used to write me handwritten letters that looked like
they were from another century, criticizing me for
not reading all his papers and books. I've since studied them all,
even calling his daughter who now heads IPAT in Illinois where his
complete archive is stored, for Xerox copies.

> BTW:
> should that read THEORETICAL ?
> You've got a great website-- thanks!

Christ.... I wish there was a replacement for Eysenck and Cattell,
I've even talked to Gorsuch and Michael Eysenck by phone, but it's
not like talking to the chiefs.

> HTH,
> -maxwell

George Hammond, M.S. Physics
Email:    ghammond at mediaone.net
Website:  http://people.ne.mediaone.net/ghammond/index.html

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