Kalman Rubinson <kr4 at nyu.edu> wrote in message news:b4n5gt0tivu5j8ipcdoaqbs3ul5frnhek8 at 4ax.com...
> On 16 May 2001 20:49:12 +0100, rhall at webmail.uvi.edu ("Richard L. Hall") wrote:
>> >Why would you assume that the decussation of projections from retinal ganglion cells in the pyramidal tract have different origins than
> >those of the optic tract? Don't they have a common origin in the
> >retina?
>> There are no ganglion cell axons in the pyramidal tract.
> (Apologies if you were kidding.)
> Kal
Awww. Kal-- did *you* have to field that one?
I was so hoping that one of the, um, grand theorizers would run with it.
I mean, any moment now the Vizier of morphic resonance might pop in..
:::.. got me LMAO-- think of the purple prose possibilities:
"He held her attention with his muscular gaze..."