Cross - Wired Eyes

Kalman Rubinson kr4 at nyu.edu
Wed May 16 09:45:35 EST 2001

On Wed, 16 May 2001 05:06:32 GMT, George Hammond
<ghammond at mediaone.net> wrote:

>Kalman Rubinson wrote:

>> I am curious what you mean by this.
>Well, they're both big "X's" sitting nearly congruently one
>on top of another.. they must be biologically/structurally
>related.  I think there's even a 3rd "X-like" congruent
>structure connecting the Amagdalyii ventrally to the
>Thalamii dorsally, no?  The fornix connects the Mammilary
>bodies ventrally to the hippocampii dorsally, of course,
>in a big X-like structure.

Sorry but the proportion of crossing fibers in the fornix is very
small and characterising it as an "X" (or chiasm) is improper.
The fornix is basically a direct fiber pathway stretched and bent by
external forces, a phenomenon easily visualize by comparing fornices
across verterate species.


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