Enrique wrote:
>> Karl Self wrote:
> >
> > There is a popular conception, AFAIK spawned by a Church of Scientology
> > ad quoting Albert Einstein, that humans only use a fraction of their brain
> > (10% or one third, I do not remember).
> > I remember reading an article ages ago which explained what originally
> > meant by his statement; if you have this information, I would be grateful
> > if you could post it to this newsgroup.
> > I am asking because I am currently taking a course where this idea is
> > being heavily debated; allow me to emphasize that I neither subscribe to
> > this idea nor advocate the Church of Scientology.
>> AFAIK humans (and any other animal) use 100% of their brain.
> I mean, all functional tests (EEG, fNMR, microelectrode
> recording) reveal that neurons are active across the brain.
> Their level of activity can be increased (or decreased)
> while actively performing certain tasks, in certain regions.
>> I think the myth comes from .......... snip
It's not a myth, the "Secualr Trend" that causes it is
a proven fact. Fact is, stupider people have less fully
grown brains.
George Hammond, M.S. Physics
Email: ghammond at mediaone.net
Website: http://people.ne.mediaone.net/ghammond/index.html