Cross - Wired Eyes

Kalman Rubinson kr4 at nyu.edu
Tue May 15 21:53:50 EST 2001

On Wed, 16 May 2001 02:38:03 GMT, George Hammond
<ghammond at mediaone.net> wrote:

>Obviously an implausible answer.  At some point, with
>the development of the "lens", animal vision suddenly
>became "reversed"... the animal must have spent ages
>crashing into things and turning the wrong way, until
>finally a mutant arrived which had crossed wiring, and
>could see straight.  Naturally he decimated the rest
>of the backwards population, got all the girls, and
>that was the origin of ducussation in the CNS.

Cute.    Now, when do you think that breakthrough occurred?  
Which lens-less animal was the antecedant?


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