Cross - Wired Eyes

maxwell mmmaxwell at hotmail.com
Sun May 13 20:12:48 EST 2001

Marielle Fois <im99_foa at nada.kth.se> wrote in message news:Pine.SOL.4.30.0105132056520.22994-100000 at my.nada.kth.se...
> On Sun, 13 May 2001, Marielle Fois wrote:
> > In addition, what is perceived by the left half of the retina of the
> > left eye and the right half of the retina of the right eye, is the
> > same.
> I am sorry, this is completely false.
> Marielle

But of course it is. However, even if there was but a dyslexic substitution and "right half" was written while intending "left half" of the right eye, it would of course still be a false statement, and indicative of a rather curious notion *if* true. Since the 'corrected' statement I offered would be true only of cyclopean vision, and two eyes (or any objects having autonomous volume) can not occupy the same locus in the head (or any other), the claim is even a physical impossibility, quite apart from neglecing the parallax component of stereopsis.
Whoops--Aha-- good I hadn't posted yet. Okay, you were correcting yourself.  Confusion stemmed from your having snipped the ID of your previous message. I see you're in the habit (at least in these few posts) of over-snipping. Though it's good to focus the text, please leave the message ID so that other readers know which posting in the thread you are replying to, especially since for others to read in context they may, as I just did, find themselves searching through many postings before alighting on the fact that you were 'posting to yourself.' Bit of netiquette, offered kindly, 'tis all.

So, hello, Marielle !


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