Cross - Wired Eyes

Karl Self karl.self at gmx.net
Sat May 12 20:05:52 EST 2001

    Thanks for your speedy reply.  As always, new knowledge spawns new
questions ... (see below).

"James Teo" <james at teoth.fsnet.co.uk> wrote:
> Nobody knows. Good luck for your nobel prize.

    Ta, but I can't right now.  I'm too busy trying to win me the Field
Medal and few Pullitzers.

> All sensory input crossover in humans before entering the hemispheres.

    I hope I do not sound smart - arsed asking this:  so vision and hearing
are cross wired, but I guess taste isn't because it is not stereoscopic (or
do we have two tongue hemispheres)?  What about nostrils -- is smell
stereoscopic (can we smell left from right, and if not, what is the point of
having two nostrils rather than one (other than aesthetic reasons, maybe),
and are the nostrils cross - wired as well?
    Sorry to be so inflationary in my questioning.  I promise to be equally
inflationary in my appreciation of any forthcoming answers.

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