the neural basis of fear

Arthur T. Murray uj797 at victoria.tc.ca
Sat May 12 10:37:58 EST 2001

"Erlick Pereira" <eacp2 at hermes.cam.ac.uk> writes on Fri, 11 May 2001:

> Only in the last two decades has psychology focused upon
> the coordination of behavioural responses to fear.
> Prior to then, fear was considered merely a type of emotion

The emotion of fear is specifically depicted in an AI diagram at
http://www.geocities.com/mentifex/emotion.html -- AI for robots.

> and emotions had received little attention in deference to
> cognition and MacLean's (1951) conceptualisation of a
> catch-all subcortical "limbic system". [...] 

> Pavlovian fear conditioning [... See start of thread. -ATM]

> Considering human studies [ ... See start of thread. -ATM ]

> To summarise these complex neural interactions [...]

> [...]  The amygdala clearly plays a crucial operational role
> at the interface of emotion and cognition, and fear coordination
> is at present its most experimentally tractable facet.
> Opinions?

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