neuroscience lab

yan king yin (at dot) y.k.y.lycos.com at hgmp.mrc.ac.uk
Thu May 10 11:36:00 EST 2001

"Duncan Young" <dsy21 at cam.ac.uk>
> i am interested/curious, but i would like to see a full business proposal,
> with targets/aims/etc

OK, here's my (brief) proposal =)

Drive for economic growth stems from advancement in technology, as follows:

      Basic Research --> Applied Research --> Technology --> New Products.

"Technology" is intangible, but it is embodied in "people", ie intellectual

In other words: you do research, you develop expertise in a field, then you
get a job in industry / make some new products / etc (make money).

The primary objective of "the lab" is to provide more people with research
opportunities.  They pay the lab for this, in order to acquire expertise.
This can come in the form of new ideas, inventions, patents, knowledge,
experience, publications, etc.

The lab will be trying its best to ENABLE and FACILITATE research, but it
is up to the user to decide on what they want to do.

In other words it is aimed at helping the self-starter.

We provide them with equipment and environment, and possibly technical
consultancy such as regarding patents, and expertise in instrumentation
so that our equipment has the cutting edge required to make new


Sorry if this is too short...  i hope you get the picture.

You see, im not very good at business matters and so am looking for
some partners to help work out the details and get funding, and so on.

> do you have a website?

yeah but its mostly about my "theories" etc and nothing related to
this (yet).  http://www.angelfire.com/myband/sevenless/Neuro.htm

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