"Brian Young" <byoung at ic.sunysb.edu> wrote in message
news:Pine.GSO.4.21.0105092241140.14470-100000 at sparky.ic.sunysb.edu...
> Hello,
>> I know that this sounds a bit OT, but my real interest is in looking at
> how anxiety varies with the variations in hormone concentrations related
> to the estrous cycle. Anyway, I need to monitor vaginal cytology daily in
> order to verify the stage of the estrus cycle of the subjects and was
> hoping that someone could point me to some pictures of cytology that are
> characteristic of each each of the four stages of the cycle.
>> Many thanks!
I know many mammalian physiology laboratory manuals monitor
estrous cycle with vaginal smears. I'll try to dig up some specific
references for you.