INTERNET AS EASY AS 1 - 2 - 3. has launched a new version of their Dynamic Search. Now
the user will get help building a better searchstring and the results are
presented using the patented Custom Search Folders from NorthernLight. It is
an easy straight forward way to better search results.
This is a solution to the main problems discussed at the SearchEngine
Meeting in Boston in April. The fact are that the average user is only
typing in 2-3 words when searching and only looks at the first 10 returned
URL. This makes the requirements for the results to be precise and relevant
and and NorthernLight has now found a solution to
When you use , Internet is as easy as the ABC and takes
actually just 1-2-3.
Tryt it on and see for your self. Type in
leukemia and hit Dynamic Search.
Knut J. Egelie
Managing Editor - search4science as
Tel: +47 22 95 82 32
Mobile: +47 99 56 58 54