i am interested/curious, but i would like to see a full business proposal,
with targets/aims/etc
do you have a website?
"y.k.y" <y.k.y(at)lycos(dot)com> wrote in message
news:9d38lv$20e45 at imsp212.netvigator.com...
> I posted to this newsgroup last month about starting
> a neuroscience laboratory. So far there hasnt been
> alot of responses.
>> The lab facilities could be rented to researchers
> who want to do research and who lack the equipments.
> I think the lab will enable more people to conduct
> experiments that will eventually lead to publications
> and/or applications.
>> 1. Do you think this idea is viable?
> 2. Anyone interested in helping me start the lab?
>> myself, i am interested in biomed engineering of
> neuroprostheses, amongst other neurosci areas.
>> Thanks again!!
> y.k.y