Dear Gunther,
A preliminary search in my textbooks resulted in a possible source that
might be of help to you :
Graybiel AM, Ragsdale CV jr (1983) : Biochemical Anatomy of the Striatum.
In : Chemical Neuroanatomy, Emson PC, ed. New York :
Raven Press.
and also :
Stretton AOW, and Kravitz EA (1968) : Neuronal geometry : Determination with
a technique of intracellular dye injection ;
Science (Washington) 162 : 132-134
Hydén H., (1960) The Neuron. In : The Cell, Vol. 4 (J. Brachet and A.E.
Mirsky, editors). Academic Press, London and New York,
I'm not sure it's in there, but it might be possible...
("So, don't shoot the pianist.. he's doing his best..")
Kind regards, Joris.
----- Original Message -----
From: Gunter Kuhnle <gunter.kuhnle at>
To: Joris Nauwelaers, MD <Jo.Nala at>
Sent: Monday, May 07, 2001 11:38 AM
Subject: Re: Volume of neurons (striatum)
> Hallo Joris,
>> thank you for your mail.
>> On Sun, May 06, 2001 at 13:13:15 +0200, Joris Nauwelaers, MD wrote:
> > Your question is not quite clear : do you talk about human striatum, or
> > other species (cat's ?) ; of an adult , I presume ?
> > Are you looking for the volume per cell (cell volume) or looking for the
> > total mass of the corpus striatum (total number of cells in that
> > structure?)
> > The volume as such ? or the mass (in weight) ?
> > Unilateral of bilateral (= total of brain ?)
>> I am looking for the volumen of a single striatum cell to calculate
> the concentration of a compound inside the cell (I know the amount of
> the compound insinde a known number of cells, but unfortunatlet, I
> cannot calculate the concentration without knowing the volumen).
>> > Try to be more detailed, if you'd like someone to help you..
>> I'll try to do so, thanks.
>> Gunter
> --
> | Gunter Kuhnle * |
> | Intl. Antiox. Res. Centre * Wolfson-Centre f. Age-Related Diseases |
> | King's College, Guy's Campus, Hodgkin Bldg., London SE1 9RT |
> | Tel: +44 2078 48 6152 Fax: +44 2078 48 6145 |
Gunter Kuhnle <gunter at> schreef in berichtnieuws
slrn9f57bn.14h.gunter at
> Hallo,
>> I've been looking for the volume of striatum cells (to calculate
> intracellular concentrations), but unfortunately, I haven't found any
> data. Could anyone help me?
>> Thank you very much,
>> Gunter