Lumbar Puncture / Spinal Tap

emooky emooky at popsmail.com
Mon May 7 01:02:27 EST 2001

In my practice in Korea, verbal consent is the main practice. Of course,
some doctors who had gone through or heard of sue cases that had related
tuberculous arachnoiditis would like to confirm with paper work.
In my opionion, it is more reasonable to perform brain CT scan to rule out
occult brain mass lesion.

"Anastasia" <towanda at blueyonder.co.uk> wrote in message
news:fYXH6.5922$X91.748097 at news1.cableinet.net...
> Hi I'm doing a study on consenting patients for Diagnostic Lumbar
> / Spinal Taps.
> I was wondering how patients are consented in other areas, particularly
> whether verbal or written consent is obtained for the procedure.
> Any information would be useful,
> Thanks in advance,
> Liz Watson.

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