"y.k.y" <y.k.y(at)lycos(dot)com> wrote in message
news:9d38lv$20e45 at imsp212.netvigator.com...
> I posted to this newsgroup last month about starting
> a neuroscience laboratory. So far there hasnt been
> alot of responses.
>> The lab facilities could be rented to researchers
> who want to do research and who lack the equipments.
> I think the lab will enable more people to conduct
> experiments that will eventually lead to publications
> and/or applications.
>> 1. Do you think this idea is viable?
> 2. Anyone interested in helping me start the lab?
>> myself, i am interested in biomed engineering of
> neuroprostheses, amongst other neurosci areas.
>> Thanks again!!
> y.k.y
>You had better start with an ENORMOUS capital to
support all the potential equipment that anyone could
want. But why do you think that the price of equipment
rental (which certainly must cover the purchase price) plus
overhead plus salaries of your staff plus profit will come
out to less than researchers buying their own equipment?
Note that the university already pays for the laboratory
space and overhead -- lights, HVAC, gas/air/DW, hood
ventilation, etc. Plus many departments have shared
facilities for many high cost pieces of equipment.
Further, after I rent some of your equipment for several
years and it becomes obsolete because of technical
developments, who is going to continue paying the
rental for the remainder of you estimated life of the item?
And how are you going to handle the enormous
diversity of types of research -- everyone uses their own
variety of equipment? Not to mention the fact that
my lab facilities are down the hall from my office and my
teaching and all my colleagues. I also have other
campus responsibilities, like serving on department
executive committees, the faculty senate, participating
in search committees --- for which my presence on
campus is essential. Not only that, my students
who work in my lab also have to have access to classes
(not to mention their families and friends).
Will your rental facilities be able to meet all these
I can't imagine any university research operation willing
to participate in what you want. Corporate research also
would be concerned about security of confidential
information and would be reluctant to have "in house"
research done "out of house". And they already have
university contracts for those areas which they are
willing to conduct outside.