Volume of neurons (striatum)

Richard Norman rsnorman at mediaone.net
Sun May 6 08:36:21 EST 2001

"Joris Nauwelaers, MD" <Jo.Nala at village.uunet.be> wrote in message
news:3af5442e$0$12355$73bec57d at news.be.uu.net...
> Gunter Kuhnle <gunter at elnhuk.de> schreef in berichtnieuws
> slrn9f57bn.14h.gunter at pc039-034.phrt.umds.ac.uk...
> > Hallo,
> >
> > I've been looking for the volume of striatum cells (to calculate
> > intracellular concentrations), but unfortunately, I haven't found any
> > data. Could anyone help me?
> >
> > Thank you very much,
> >
> > Gunter
> >
> Your question is not quite clear : do you talk about human striatum, or
> other species (cat's ?) ; of an adult , I presume ?
> Are you looking for the volume per cell (cell volume) or looking for the
> total mass of  the corpus striatum (total number of cells in that
> structure?)
> The volume as such ? or the mass (in weight) ?
> Unilateral of bilateral (= total of brain ?)
> Try to be more detailed, if you'd like someone to help you..
> Best wishes,  Joris Nauwelaers, MD, Belgium

I am also curious to know how you plan to use the volume of cells
to calculate concentrations.  What data do you already have and what
are you trying to do?  Apparently you have measured the quantity
(grams or moles) of some material taken from a brain sample and
want to calculate an appropriate concentration.  But what indication
do you have that the material you measured was specifically
restricted to the intracellular volume of striatum neurons, as
opposed to glia or trapped in the extracellular space?  Those
factors are critical in determining what volume to use.

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