Gunter Kuhnle <gunter at> schreef in berichtnieuws
slrn9f57bn.14h.gunter at
> Hallo,
>> I've been looking for the volume of striatum cells (to calculate
> intracellular concentrations), but unfortunately, I haven't found any
> data. Could anyone help me?
>> Thank you very much,
>> Gunter
>Your question is not quite clear : do you talk about human striatum, or
other species (cat's ?) ; of an adult , I presume ?
Are you looking for the volume per cell (cell volume) or looking for the
total mass of the corpus striatum (total number of cells in that
The volume as such ? or the mass (in weight) ?
Unilateral of bilateral (= total of brain ?)
Try to be more detailed, if you'd like someone to help you..
Best wishes, Joris Nauwelaers, MD, Belgium