Need neuroscience links

Richard Norman rsnorman at mediaone.net
Sat May 5 16:17:27 EST 2001

"ptp" <ptp at fic.com> wrote in message
news:rxUI6.3518$2B6.187649 at e420r-chi2.usenetserver.com...
> Hello all:
> I specialize in building websites for those in the neuroscience field.  My
> most recent project (http://eegvermont.com) needs some links to sites that
> are cover similar subject matter.  If you know of any, please email me
> the address tnd (at) sover (dot) net.  Thanks

There are already innumerable web sites for those in the neuroscience field.
Are you going to do better than
or http://www.neuroguide.com/
or http://nav.webring.yahoo.com/hub?ring=neuroring&id=30&hub
or even searching "EEG Biofeedback" on www.google.com?

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