very much so. I think it is just a more modern way of referring to
association cortex really! Posner and Petersen's (1990) description of
"posterior and anteior attentional systems" are more clear, I find. Limbic
systems strongly innervate ventromedial/orbitofrontal PFC and dorsolateral
PFC has recpirocal connections to parietal cortex. To exclude the PFC from
attentional networks would be folly.
> does the fronto-parieto-temporal network, as in "Gitelman et al. (1999 )
> stated, "The frontal eye field has a relative specialization for the overt
> motor-exploratory aspect of spatial attention, the posterior parietal
> for the sensory representational and sensorimotor aspect, and the
> gyrus (the cingulate gyrus contains most of the afferent (input) fibres to
> the hippocampus) for the limbic-motivational aspect." This has been
> supported by other studies (Vallar et al., 1999 , Corbetta et al.,
1998 )."
> include the premotor cortex?