STS means somatosensory?

Erlick Pereira eacp2 at hermes.cam.ac.uk
Sat May 5 09:06:42 EST 2001

Superior temporal sulcus, i.e. top of the temporal lobe

"Shamim Khaliq" <private at shamimkhaliq.co.uk> wrote in message
news:3ae157a2$1_2 at news.intensive.net...
> a few brain region questions. STS means somatosensory? as in "The anterior
> sector of the STS region and the posterior sector of area F51 contain
> neurons that respond to the observation of specific meaningful actions".
> that in the parietal cortex? or premotor cortex?
> area F51, one more digit than i'm used to reading. not Brodmann area 6
> --
> Shamim Khaliq  info at shamimkhaliq.co.uk <http://www.shamimkhaliq.co.uk/>

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