Lumbar Puncture / Spinal Tap

James Teo james at teoth.fsnet.co.uk
Sat May 5 06:54:10 EST 2001

On Wed, 02 May 2001 18:01:47 GMT, "Anastasia"
<towanda at blueyonder.co.uk> wrote:

>Hi I'm doing a study on consenting patients for Diagnostic Lumbar Punctures
>/ Spinal Taps.
>I was wondering how patients are consented in other areas, particularly
>whether verbal or written consent is obtained for the procedure.
>Any information would be useful,

I've only done one, and it only involved verbal consent (after alot of
persuasion). The patient was behaving oddly and the suspicion was
encephalitis so I don't know how much his consent was worth.

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