Postdoctoral Position in Circadian Neurobiology/Clock Proteins
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, Tennessee, USA
Subject to final approval of funding, a postdoctoral position is
available June 15-30, 2001 to study the interface between the
neurobiology of circadian rhythms in rodents and the role of circadian
clock proteins. The funding is for one year, but may be renewable
depending upon progress. The candidate needs to have neurobiological
background and in addition experience in handling/purifying proteins.
Experience with other molecular genetics techniques and transfection of
mammalian cells is desirable. For more information about my laboratory,
see our website:
Salary will be consistent with the NIH scale. Interested applicants
should send a current CV including the names of three references to: Dr.
Carl Johnson, Dept. of Biology, Box 1812-B, Vanderbilt University,
Nashville, TN 37235 USA.
email: carl.h.johnson at