Not sure if I am where I should be

Didier A. Depireux didier at rai.isr.umd.edu
Tue May 1 14:31:32 EST 2001

Neurograb <ograb at usa.net.nospam.actually_i_never_check_this_account_so_please_reply_in_newsgroup> wrote:
> it's not a goal that's set in stone.  Am I on the right track?  Should I
> stick with MLS or change to back to CS?  I know I can get a research

There are quite a few CS BSc who get a PhD in neuroSCIENCE, at least in our
program. See http://www.life.umd.edu/NACS/
The field of computational neuroscience is still in its infancy (my opinion)
and people who work on the quantification of neuroscience tend to have very
different backgrounds, but most of them are physicists, E engineers,
computer scientists, and the like. 
Other programs in neuroscience are actually directly attached to CS
deparmtents, such as Carnegie, http://www.cnbc.cmu.edu/


Didier A Depireux                              didier at isr.umd.edu
Neural Systems Lab                 http://www.isr.umd.edu/~didier
Institute for Systems Research          Phone: 301-405-6557 (off)
University of Maryland                                -6596 (lab)
College Park MD 20742 USA                     Fax: 1-301-314-9920

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