Not sure if I am where I should be

Neurograb ograb at usa.net.nospam.actually_I_never_check_this_account_so_please_reply_in_newsgroup
Tue May 1 13:56:23 EST 2001

I'm in my first year as a medical lab science major.  I've had two years
previous of computer science at the college level.  I'm thinking of changing
my major back to CS so I can get to medical school one year quicker.  I want
to be involved in neurological research.  Brain surgery would be fun but
it's not a goal that's set in stone.  Am I on the right track?  Should I
stick with MLS or change to back to CS?  I know I can get a research
position if I graduate MLS, but I'm not sure if I should get the neurology
training at the graduate level in med school.  Any advice is warmly

thank you
Adam Ograbisz

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