for a help

myxfile1996 myxfile1996 at sina.com
Thu Mar 29 11:56:43 EST 2001

hello, all, I am thirsty for the 3 articles as follow:

1.Chimeric axon guidance receptors: the cytoplasmic domains of slit and netrin receptors specify attraction versus repulsion. In: Cell 1999 Jun 25;97(7):917-26
2. the above articl's comment. In: Cell. 1999 Jun 25;97(7):821-4 
3.Biochemical purification of a mammalian slit protein as a positive regulator of sensory axon elongation and branching.
In: Cell. 1999 Mar 19;96(6):771-84.

Because our library sent the journals 1999' out for bookbinding, I want to get PDF files for the 3 above references otherwise I have to wait them back 3 months later.

thanx in advance!

Dr. Bing Hou
Institute of Neuroscience
Fourth Military Medical University
Xi'an, Shaanxi
710032  China

e-mail: myxfile1996 at sina.com
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