forced sleep deprivation and depression

dag.stenberg at nospam.helsinki.fi dag.stenberg at nospam.helsinki.fi
Wed Mar 28 08:53:26 EST 2001

In bionet.neuroscience J Wootton <jwootton at home.com> wrote:
> the only way to alleviate sleep loss is to get good sleep (ie make sure there are
> no causes of sleep disorders such as RLS, apnea, GERD etc), regular sleep hours
> (approx same bed/wake time, every night)  and an adequate amount of sleep (8-9
> hours every night) for life...  (something that the original poster has not and
> does not seem prepared to do)

Well, if one is in a competitive career where time is short, then those
who need less hours of sleep have an advantage. 80 hours of weekly work
is not at all unheard of, and that is a mean of 11.4 h per day. Taking
into account that one free day a week seems good for mental health and
endurance during months and years, 80 h / 6 d is 13.3 h a day. Leaves 10
h for other activities, but if we take out 2 h for travel, 1 h for meals
and 0.5 h for compulsory tasks like paying bills or washing clothes,
only 6.5 h remain for sleep plus other leisure. That is not really
enough, is it?

Dag Stenberg

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