Career Research

d.max mmmaxwell at hotmail.com
Mon Mar 26 03:06:48 EST 2001

*Injektilo <waste491 at home.com> wrote in message
news:v%bt6.71769$tP3.1116421 at news1.rdc1.bc.home.com...
> I would like to apologize in advance if my inquiry is inappropriate
for this
> newsgroup.  I have been lurking for some time but have not come across
> charter or FAQ.
> I am a highschool student doing research for a 'career research'
> The idea is to research a career and prepare a report and
> Since my early childhood, I've always been interested in medicine,
> specifically fields pertaining to neuroscience, and my dream is to one
> have a career in neurosurgery.  Naturally, I chose to research
> for my project.
> The following are some of the points I need to explore in my report
> 2000 words)
> -What are the high school requirements for the career?

Good to really hammer the following courses:
Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Calculus.

> -What post-secondary education and training is required?

Bachelor of Science-- though many choose biology as major, physics or
chemistry, especially biochemistry, are likely preferable for admission
to medical college.
That was required-- following is desired:
Tutorials directed toward maximizing scores on MCATs, taken in senior
year of college,are good idea, as is attending a college having good
pre-medical program.
Working as undergraduate in a science lab, in junior and senior, or at
least in senior year, is desirable, especially if work is found in such
lab as one doing neurophysiological, electrophysiology, neuroanatomy, or
related type studies.

> -What is the cost of the program or training?
Don't know exactly- depends on cost of colleges, and also what aid may
be obtained.

> -How long is the program?

4 years college, 4 years medical college, plus internship and residency
rotations-- a few years more.

> -Does it include work experience?

More than you could imagine, beforehand.

> -Will the program help you find employment after completion?

No problem.

> -What other requirements are there?

Patience, perseverance, tolerance,  determination, are required.
Appreciation of absurdist humor--desired.
> -How many jobs will be opening in this field in the next 5 years?

Don't know.

> -What is involved in this career?--What is a typical day/week in this
job like?

'Typical' is tough.. Suffice to say, better love to work your tail off,
or face burn-out.

> -What is the average income for someone starting out in this field?

Maybe $100K/yr, after residency.

> -What is the expected income for someone who has been doing the job
for 5 or so years?

Maybe twice that, or more, depending on location/sub-specialty.
> -What are the advancement opportunities?


> -What careers are related to this one?

That's all for now. Must get back to work.


How easy would it be to transfer into
> a similar field?
> Naturally, I don't expect to be spoonfed in this group, but any help
> direction regarding where to do my research would be greatly
> Thanks in advance,
> Dave

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