Need help diagnosing an infant with multiple dissorders

JB lesjo03 at optonline.net
Mon Mar 26 00:01:37 EST 2001

My daughter was born with serveral dissorders and none of the dooctors we've
worked with can find a link.  She has a swallowing dissorder called
cricopharyngeal achalasia. She has low-set ears and one of her ears is
slightly bent over on top.  She has ptosis of the left eye lid. and she has
terrible reflux of which we control with a cockail of Zantac and Reglan.
I've searched diligently throughout the internet and have had little luck
other than the possibility of Myasthenia Gravis but she doesn't fit the
descritpion well enough.  I'd be very appreciative if someone reading this
has had some experience or has knowledge of a particular syndrome she might
fit.  There are too many problems for this to be just individual issues.
Please reply to lesjo03 at optonline.net or lesjo03 at ca.com.

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