visual receptive fields question

Keith Wiley kwiley at cs.unm.edu
Tue Mar 20 02:01:12 EST 2001

Contrast sensative cells get a lot of attention.  On-center, off-center,
line, edge, etc.  Is there any evidence that there are cells anywhere in
the visual system that respond positively to a lack of contrast, to
smooth excitation across the receptive field?

I'm working in robotics and computer vision and have some ideas but I
prefer the artificial life approach and only want to expand on my ideas
if they are biologically accurate.


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Keith Wiley                            *
kwiley at cs.unm.edu                       *   * *     *   *      *
http://www.unm.edu/~keithw            ***    **   * *    **     *
http://www.listensmart.com/Keith (mp3 music) *     **   **    ***

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