semantic working memory?

j r reillyjames at prodigy.net
Fri Mar 16 16:09:33 EST 2001

www.thescientificworld.com has a few articles on the subject.  Go under
their scibase section and I believe you can even purchase single journal
articles for a few bucks.
"Arthur T. Murray" <uj797 at victoria.tc.ca> wrote in message
news:3aae78bb at news.victoria.tc.ca...
> Robert Becker "becker at cns.mpg.de" wrote on Tue, 13 Mar 2001:
> > can anybody give me hints about the newest development
> > in research of semantic working memory? are there new
> > insights or experiments ( as done by Ed Smith or Randi
> > C. Martin (for neuropsychological cases))?
> > or isn't there anything like that at all?
> An easily accessible experiment in semantic working memory,
> requiring only MS Internet Explorer with JavaScript enabled, is
> http://www.geocities.com/mentifex/jsaimind.html "Artificial Mind."
> An explanation of the Short Term Memory involved is online at
> http://www.geocities.com/mentifex/stm.html -- the STM Module.
> Brain-mind diagrams in English, German, Japanese, etc. which
> explain the underlying cognitive model (diagrams which b.t.w.
> are _unique_ to this particular project in linguistic AI) are at
> http://www.geocities.com/mentifex/diagrams.html (cns01-cns14).

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