other similar ACTIVE newsgroups?

robert bronsing bronsing at anat.fgg.eur.nl
Fri Mar 16 04:36:10 EST 2001

Hi Adam, If you're interested in models of consiousness you might want
to give comp.ai.philosophy a try. It's a group discussing philosophical
aspects of atrificial intelligence. Maybe posters there will know of
better groups for your interests.

Adam wrote:
> Hi guys --
> I am a secondary school student with great interests in the Neuroscience
> field. I am an avid reader of John R. Searle's, Penrose's, Edelman's,
> Chalmers's and Dennett's opinions of consciousness. (While there opinions
> may vary a lot <especially Dennett's>, I find it fascinating to dwell on
> their different theories!)
> I love this Newsgroup already, having only discovered it an hour ago. Some
> of the deep discussions in here are certainly very stimulating. I was
> wondering if there are other newsgroups where I can find this sort of
> material, perhaps with debates on the authors' work which I have mentioned
> above? Or a web site with a message board in this fashion?
> I shall continue avidly reading your discussions and arguments. Who knows,
> perhaps I will submit my own addition?!
> Thanks,
> -- Adam.

Robert Bronsing

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