Neurobiology of the Aging Nervous System

Tom Meuser meusert at adrc-map.wustl.edu
Wed Mar 7 14:07:35 EST 2001

For your information:

3rd Leonard Berg Symposium

Neurobiology of the Aging Nervous System:
Models, Manipulations & Alzheimer's Disease

September 21-22, 2001
Chase Park Plaza Hotel
St. Louis, Missouri

Presented by:
Alzheimer's Disease Research Center,
Washington University School of Medicine, 
and the Washington University Center for Aging

Supported, in part, by an unrestricted educational grant from Janssen

The Alzheimer's Disease Research Center (ADRC) at Washington University in
St. Louis is hosting the 3rd Leonard Berg Symposium - Neurobiology of the
Aging Nervous System: Models, Manipulations & Alzheimer's Disease -
September 21st - 22nd, 2001, at the Chase Park Plaza Hotel. The Symposium,
first held in 1997, honors Leonard Berg, M.D., professor emeritus of
neurology and founder and former director of the ADRC. 

In 1979, Dr. Berg began a multidisciplinary Memory and Aging Project at the
University, serving as director of the project until 1992. In 1985, he was
awarded a grant from the National Institute on Aging (NIA) to establish the
Alzheimer's Disease Research Center. The NIA has continuously supported the
Center. Among his noted accomplishments is the Clinical Dementia Rating
system, which he developed to distinguish among different
cognitive-functional stages of Alzheimer's disease and normal aging.

A world class faculty will showcase some of the best research on the aging
nervous system across models and paradigms. Sessions include:

§ Aging in Model Organisms: Rodent to Human
§ Experimental Manipulation of the Aging Process
§ Aging, Alzheimer's Disease and Therapeutics

The event will serve as a catalyst for scientific communication and
cross-fertilization in this growing and diverse field. For program,
registration and travel information, go to

Or contact me for more information:

Tom Meuser, Ph.D.
Director of Education & Rural Outreach
Research Assistant Professor 
Alzheimer's Disease Research Center
Washington University 
4488 Forest Park Ave., Suite 130
St. Louis, MO 63108
(314) 286-2882 / 2881
Pager: (314) 490-4574
Fax: (314) 286-2763
meusert at neuro.wustl.edu


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