Neurologist in Bangkok needed

Andrew T. Austin slightlynervous at NOSPAMbtinternet.com
Wed Feb 28 13:20:29 EST 2001


If you have no luck through the media, you might like to try contacting one
of the internation medical recruitment agencies.

These supply "locum" doctors in varying locations around the world and their
addresses and contact numbers can be found in most medical trade journals
(you will find these littering staff rooms in most hospitals and hospital
libraries - some university towns will have them in their city libraries
to) - some of the agencies are on the WWW as well, so you might try a search
there. (Try looking on "IHG  International Hospitals Group" on google)

Whilst the agencies might have a neurologist placed in the location you
need, they might at least be able to give you the right lead that you are

All the best to you,

Andrew Austin.

Marco de Innocentis <mdein at katamail.com> wrote in message
news:3a9bdff4$1 at spamkiller.newsfeeds.com...
> I would be very grateful if someone could give me the address or
> phone number of a good neurologist in Bangkok, possibly one
> with some experience in neuro-rehabilitation.
> Thanks,
> Marco

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