What is computational neuroscience?

Harry Erwin harry.erwin at sunderland.ac.uk
Sun Feb 25 11:52:46 EST 2001

Isidore <isidore at mailandnews.com> wrote:

>     Hello everyone,
>             I'm a high school student looking to do some research at a
> Polytechnic University science program over the summer. One of the available
> research positions deals with computational neuroscience. From what I've
> seen of neuroscience, it seems like something I'd be interested in doing
> research in. I also have an interest in computer science, so I suspect that
> computational neuroscience might be right up my alley. However, to be
> honest, I haven't been able to find a comprehensive defininition. If anyone
> could provide information about what research in computational neuroscience
> entails (in laymen terms, if possible), or can point me to a basic resource,
> I'd appreciate it. Also, does anyone have any recommendations/tips about if
> a high school student should work under a mentor to research this?
> Isidore

A computational neuroscientist is a neuroscientist with training in the
computational modeling of neural systems.

Dr. Harry Erwin, harry at dherwin.org, http://world.std.com/~herwin

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