Sv: My new thought.

BIRGITTE ELSNAB lahnsgade at get2net.dk
Thu Feb 22 19:24:53 EST 2001

The only way I can think of is this.
The first person is placed in a room without any electrical disturbances,
and he is surrounded by a lot of cobber coils. All the coils are connected
to some wery sensitive measuring equipment. Any electrical impulse in the
person will make a magnetic field and the magnetic field will make a very
small current run in the cobber coils. This current will depend on the
intensity of the original impulse and the distance to it.
If you have sufficient coil and a very fast computer you can calculate the
position and the intensity of every impulse in the area.

In the other end you just do the opposite, send a current through the coils
and they will induce a current in the nerves.
This will take a lot of computer power and I am not sure that it will work
but it is an idea.

When you ask if anything like this is done in reality I can clearly say NO.
not on single spikes without invading the body.
I work whit what I think is the closest, I insert a very thin glass
electrode into hearing nerve (VIII cranial nerve) of a grass frog and
measure the activity of the cell when the frog hears a sound, but this is
only one cell and it would be very difficult to do it whit to cells, and
more would be impossible.

I hope this helps

Christian Brandt ( Christian_Brandt at yahoo.com )

> Hi all,
> I've been reading quite a bit about body image, referred pain, and I'll
> continue to do so. Thanks again to anyone who's helped me so far.
> Remember this is a fictional book, but I want to come close to reality if
> can in the making of my pain machine. Here's what I propose, tell me if
> there are any obvious problems with my theory:
> A futuristic monitoring system is able to "scan" the body in sections. It
> will read electrical impules, their intensity, and distance away from the
> scanning tool, trying to pinpoint the exact area of the impulse. This
> impulse is then rerouted  to a subject and the impules are copied in
> the same intensity and location. With something like Fibromyalgia where
> source of pain is misunderstood due to the body image and then
> misinterpreted to a reflex and spasm in other parts of the body - I want
> read those deep tissue pains before they reach the brain, and transfer
> to the reciever.
>  This subject would have to be specially trained (somehow) to override or
> understand deep tissue in their body image, to establish location and
> of pain accurately. The intensity is imperative!
> My questions are: What instrument would read such electrical impulses? How
> would it have to be designed? How would it insert the same impulse into
> another subject without invading the body *at all*? Are there any such
> studies being done regarding sensory interpretation or measurement that
> not related to brain mapping, CT scans etc...? For my book to work, it's
> late to get results if the pain reaches the cerebral cortex first.
> Have fun! And remember, I'm just a writer trying to keep up with you guys!
> I'm not saying dumb it down, just don't kill me  ;)
> Thanks everyone!
> Marcy Italiano
> marcyatwork at hotmail.com

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