doctor stumped

Andrew T. Austin slightlynervous at NOSPAMbtinternet.com
Wed Feb 21 23:12:21 EST 2001

also meant to ask, are the symptoms constant, or is there variation in the
severity and if so, what is the variation and when?

Andrew T. Austin <slightlynervous at NOSPAMbtinternet.com> wrote in message
news:9723fh$skk4 at eccws12.dearborn.ford.com...
> Sounds like a Wernickes aphasia - this isn`t a pathology itself, but is an
> effect caused by a pathology (if that is what it is in your case).
> Was the onset sudden or gradual?
> Do you take any meds of any sort?
> Any other health probs of any sort?
> Just curious.
> Andrew Austin.
> _lisa <teknicolor at doctor.com> wrote in message
> news:3a948d2d$0$6752 at echo-01.iinet.net.au...
> > Hi, I have a problem. My GP shoved me away on this so I'm asking for
> > help here. Knowing what little time most people have for these
> > I'll list my symptoms in order of severity:
> >
> > Speech disorder - constantly replacing one word with another to the
> my
> > sentences are incomprehensible
> > Hearing - I can hear perfectly but comprehension of what is being is
> > than most of my colleagues. Instead I rely on lip-reading
> > Memory loss - of basic facts I learned maybe the day before
> >
> > Is there any disorder that I could find out more about that may apply
> here?
> > I am a 20-year old student at university. Please reply to my address or
> > here.
> >
> > Thankyou
> >
> > Lisa
> >
> >

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