Thanks for looking (i`m stuck behind a firewall here).
The chap involved has received a lot of media attention here recently, and
there was a TV program ("Horizon") of which i only caught the last 10
minutes of.
All of this only happened quite recently.
Any other info would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
Andrew Austin.
Richard Norman <rsnorman at> wrote in message
news:hw%k6.3861$v_1.336482 at
> A search of the National Library of Medicine -- PubMed at
>> shows 22,547 hits on the general term "Parkinson's disease",
> 1038 hits on the term "MDMA" and just 3 on the intersection
> of those two sets -- both Parkinson's and MDMA.
>> None of those three papers even suggested a connection
> between MDMA and a reduction of parkinson symptoms.
> Virtually all of the research is on the rather pervasive
> neurotoxicity of MDMA.
>> So whatever you are thinking of hasn't hit the medical literature.
>>> "Andrew T. Austin" <slightlynervous at> wrote in message
> news:971qkb$p2b2 at> >
> > A chap in the Uk has recently been in the spotlight owing to the
> > occuring around his experience with MDMA and the massive reduction of
> > parkinonian symptoms.
> >
> > Does anyone have a reference for this please? ie The researchers
> involved,
> > which research centre, etc.
> >
> > Many thanks.
> >
> > Andrew "just so no" Austin.
> > --
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