Ecstacy (MDMA) and Parkinsons disease.

Richard Norman rsnorman at mediaone.net
Wed Feb 21 22:16:29 EST 2001

A search of the National Library of Medicine -- PubMed at
shows 22,547 hits on the general term "Parkinson's disease",
1038 hits on the term "MDMA" and just 3 on the intersection
of those two sets -- both Parkinson's and MDMA.

None of those three papers even suggested a connection
between MDMA and a reduction of parkinson symptoms.
Virtually all of the research is on the rather pervasive
neurotoxicity of MDMA.

So whatever you are thinking of hasn't hit the medical literature.

"Andrew T. Austin" <slightlynervous at NOSPAMbtinternet.com> wrote in message
news:971qkb$p2b2 at eccws12.dearborn.ford.com...
> A chap in the Uk has recently been in the spotlight owing to the research
> occuring around his experience with MDMA and the massive reduction of his
> parkinonian symptoms.
> Does anyone have a reference for this please?  ie The researchers
> which research centre, etc.
> Many thanks.
> Andrew "just so no" Austin.
> --
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