I believe you are working on the wrong model for understanding pain.
Consider the pain caused by rapping tubes of cold water and warm water
around a container and the subject who is holding the container reports
intense pain.
It should be obvious that no pains should be perceived.
I would suggest that pain is discrepant information on two or more channels
of information.
Pain management would suggest that the effort should be toward reducing the
power of the discrepant information.
Cutting nerves could increase the discrepant information. Signal reduction
could be done through pain medicines, but ultimately the opponent process
will nullify the effect. Ultimately pain management must involve learning
and accepting the current neurological organization as normal.
Ron Blue
----- Original Message -----
From: "satish gore" <sgore at stanford.edu>
To: <neur-sci at hgmp.mrc.ac.uk>
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 12:19 PM
Subject: Re: can we distinguis A beta and c fibers working
> Hi
> I am working on a hypothesis that by the treatment [mainly surgical ]in
cases of
> intervertebral disc related neurogenic pain we are able to relieve only
the A b
> component in the early phase.
> The c fiber related and the sympathetic component lingers on, and is the
cause of
> chronic morbidity.
>> Well this is still a hypothesis and any thoughts on this issue in clinical
> setting will be appreciated,
> satish gore
>> MEShinder wrote:
>> > I'm not sure of the answer in a clinical setting, although distally
> > tests might work. Seen it done in the arm once as a demo, but for
> > reflexes. Also, I don't know how you'd confirm the results to determine
> > accuracy. What would be done differentially if the distinction can be
>> --
> Dr Satishchandra gore.
> telephones: Home 650 566 1230 Lab: 650 724 5178
> Post doctoral fellow @ University of stanford medical center