> Hello. I was interested to see your research findings - not that I
> understood them, but am trying to find out what is going on in my
> particular case. This is one of severe and longterm insomnia (20 years,
> am aged 51) combined with Juvenile Myoclonic Epilspsy. I take 60mg
> phenobarbitone and all symptoms are controlled. Have you any information
> which could explain the JME causing the insomnia, and if so, what I can
> do about it? Every known remedy has failed and I have become 'immune' to
> the effects of hypnotics. Life is so bad that I am quite incapacitated.
> Hope you can shed some light on it all. I have melatonin. Not sure from
> your article if it would help or hinder. I did take it for a time and
> noticed no improvement.
> Many many thanks
> Sue Newman
Dear Mrs. Newman,
Did you consider to use Prozac? I know a case in which this helped to cure
insomnia and also a symptom of "epilepsy".
If you are interested to reply, please send to electronic123 at aon.at