About your spouse 6267

sergio902 at supereva.it sergio902 at supereva.it
Mon Feb 19 03:19:53 EST 2001

*Do You Know Who Your kids are Chatting with on the Internet While You're Sleeping?

*Do You Know What Your Spouse is Doing on the Computer While You're Away?

*Do You Know What Your Employee is Doing on the Computer While Getting Paid?

                                     NOW YOU CAN!

                                       Introducing. . .
                  The Most Powerful PC Surveillance Available!

This software will record EVERYTHING anyone does on the Internet  
It SECRETLY takes hundreds of snapshots every hour, very much like  
a surveillance camera. 

This software will allow you to be able to SEE what your kids and  
employees have been doing online and offline. 

If you are concerned about what your kids or spouse does on the Internet, his software will record their actions by taking up to hundreds of screen snapshots every hour, automatically and undetected. You'll be able to SEE EXACTLY what they were up to, who they chatted with, incoming and outgoing e-mail, keystrokes and whether strangers may be approaching them on the Internet. Choose the stealth mode to be undetectable. 

So simple to use anyone can do it!!!   

Also, ideal for businesses concerned about how much time their 
employees spend on the Internet, or how much time employees spend on 
non-productive tasks, such as game playing or surfing inappropriate web sites. 

For more information click email link below mailto:sergio902 at supereva.it?subject=more
or call (407) 650-2855

Leave your name and email address and we'll email you the information. When you call speak slowly and clearly. This is a must have program, we are so sure that you'll be satisfied with this software that we offer a 30 Day Money-Back Guarantee


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