"MS" <marshmallow5 at yahoo.com> wrote in message
news:<6m4g6.452$WV5.59220 at news1.news.adelphia.net>...
> Can anyone explain whether migraine involves vasoconstriction and/or
> vasodilatation? Also, what is the mechanism of anti-migraine medication?
>> Thanks.
>migraines involve the vasoconstriction of some of the major arteries that
travel though the brain. This is what causes the pulsating and throbbing
pain. Some of the major drugs on the market currently such as propranol
will suppress the parasympathetic nervous systems responses to stimulates.
The exact mechanism that cause the sympathetic system to begin to respond is
not clearly understood in these circumstances. But some believe since the
sympathetic system is responsible for such response as fight of flight
responses they believe it is possible caused by stress on the body or other
psychological stimuli.
Another drug such as cafergot which main ingredient is purified caffeine.
Causes the larger arteries to relax and return to a dilated form.
Imitrex in another very popular drug for the prevention of migraines but I
can not remember the way it prevents and stops migraines.
Another popular way some use is antidepressants and other very powerful
psycorepressive drugs that will help some by holding their hormone,
neurotransmitters and other important chemicals at a stable and non changing
level so the patient does not go from one extreme to another which seems to
help some in preventing migraines.
I hope this helps some with your question